Ahimsa: Supreme Duty and Service
Vedas tell us that ahimsa - nonviolence, nonhurtfulness is a primary obligation in fulfillment of dharma (righteous duty), the divine law. A lack of compassion toward any living being, whether human or animal, hinders our ability to truly practice ahimsa and uphold dharma. By embracing compassion and treating all beings, even animals, with love and kindness, we not only align ourselves with ahimsa and dharma but also create positive karmic consequences that contribute to our personal growth and well-being.
Hindu upbringing instilled in me the value of ahimsa—love and respect for all living beings, which continues to shape my choices and way of life. I was raised vegetarian, and after learning about the overcrowded and inhumane conditions in which animals are raised in dairy farms, became vegan in October of 2020.
Allied Scholars for Animal Protection (ASAP)
Participated in tabling and movie screening events at The University of Chicago to raise awareness about animal cruelty in factory farms and focusing on health benefits of plant-based eating.
Reviewed research articles to identify potential savings from evidence-based plant-based eating and lifestyle interventions, while also analyzing the economic impact of chronic diseases on patients and the broader US healthcare system.
Studied the economic analysis of animal farming versus plant-based agriculture, emphasizing its role in reducing healthcare costs and promoting long-term economic benefits.
Researched the environmental benefits of reducing meat consumption and adopting whole foods plant based diets.
Connection with Dr. Faraz Harsini and his non-profit organization, Allied Scholars for Animal Protection (ASAP) has been incredibly inspiring. Highly impressed by ASAP’s impactful animal advocacy efforts and its mission, which include extensive outreach, collaborating with dining halls to introduce plant-based foods, hosting educational talks and events at numerous universities, I decided to volunteer my time for ASAP in the summer of 2023, and continue to contribute whenever possible.
Change The Plate
To raise awareness about the cruelty of animal farming and highlight the health benefits of a plant-based diet, I set up a booth called ‘Change the Plate’ at the school fair, Rites of May.
Provided handouts on
health benefits of plant-based eating
adverse effects of animal agriculture on our environment
economic analysis of animal farming vs plants
Shared videos on animal brutality in factory farms
Offered plant-based food substitutes to try