Hinduism To Me

For me, as for any devout Hindu, Hinduism is one of the greatest religions because it teaches us the 'opposite of hatred'—Love and Tolerance. Hinduism teaches us to see God in everyone, reminding us that we are all the same, all divine souls created by God. The Hindu belief that there is a seed of divinity in everyone makes it easier to embrace all people and view the entire world as one big family. Hence, a Hindu respects and shows tolerance toward all people, faiths, and cultures.

Hinduism, also called Sanatana Dharma, means ‘Eternal Way’ or ‘Eternal Way of Conduct’. It is the timeless set of truths, which are seen as essential for a fulfilling and balanced life by its followers. Hinduism is like a guide to understanding the higher power, world and our place in it.

In the Vedas, the sacred Hindu scriptures, God is referred as Brahma, which (in Sanskrit) means to manifest, mature, and evolve - the force that is constantly flowing and evolving, creating all that exists and yet staying totally still, unchanging. 

A Verse from Rig Ved

A verse from Rig Ved defines Brahma as, “He who is beyond all exists as the relative universe. That part of Him appears as sentient and insentient beings. From a part of Him was born the body of the universe, and out of this body were born the Gods, the earth and men.”

— (God and the Gods in Hinduism, Himalayan Academy) 

Supreme Being

God as Brahma, an all-pervasive Supreme Being, is immanent love, transcendent reality and the essence of the Self (our Soul). God has form, He fills all forms, and at the same time, goes beyond any specific time and form. He permeates everywhere, both in nature and humanity. 

The Vedas teach ‘Ayam Atma Brahma’ - Soul is the God; God is the life of life.


Satguru Bodhinatha of the Kauai Hindu Monastery explains that by following dharma (righteous duty), we can realize the True Self through devotion, worship, austerity, selfless service, yoga, and meditation. All these Hindu practices help us evolve, becoming stronger, kinder, more tolerant, wiser, and allow us to connect deeply with the divine, eventually experiencing a state of unity with the Self-God. This is why Hinduism is also referred to as a mystical religion.


Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest, most vibrant as well as diverse religions. Its diversity is its greatest strength, showing once again its vast capacity for acceptance and inclusiveness.

Understanding Hinduism

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point. If you sell something, use this space to describe it in detail and tell us why we should make a purchase. Tap into your creativity. You’ve got this.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.